74 years ago from today, the widely known incident "The February 26 Incident" broke out.
On February 26th, 1936, military officers influenced by the radical ultranationalist "Kōdō-ha" faction of the Imperial Japanese Army launched a coup d'etat.
The group anticipated the realization of an autocracy ruled by the Emperor in hope to eliminate the political
corruption by killing elder statesman and chief retainers by force. The their slogan was "The Showa restoration " and "hail the emperor and eliminate the villain ".
この事件は結局制圧されますが、この青年将校たちに多大なる精神的バックボーンとなったのが北 一輝(「きた いっき」として有名。 正しくは「ほく いっき」)の「日本改造法案大綱」になります。
This coup d'etat attempt was eventually suppressed.
In this action, "An Outline Plan for the Reorganization of Japan" written by the radical right-wing philosopher Kita
Ikki which cast considerable influence on the ideology or psychology of young military officers who supported the coup.
Kita Ikki was aware of the plan of the February 26th Incident prior to the outbreak.
However, he personally thought it too premature to take such risky actions. He kept a cautious attitude, did not give any directions on executing the plan, and stood back. Jinzaburo Masaki who was presumably the mastermind was forced to retire, and Kita Ikki was sentenced the death penalty along with his protege Nishida .
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