今日は旧暦でいえば(1854年)嘉永7年1月16日 アメリカのペリーが7隻の軍艦を率い、開国を求めて東京湾に再来した日です。
On January 16th 1854 on the lunar calendar, Matthew Perry was delegated from the United States government, and sailed with 7 ships headed to Tokyo Bay in Japan. His objective was to let Japan open the door and start diplomatic and trade relations with the United States.
This event triggered Japan's extended struggle for self-governance and self-existence and also for overcoming their hostile position amongst the western civilization.
Roughly 90 years later. after the Perry Expedition which forced Japan to open to the West with "gunboat diplomacy" of the United States, they burned Japan to ground (scorched Japan out) and obliged Japan to sign the capitulation for World War II by the force of arms. That is to say (in sum), Japan succumbed to U.S.A twice.
1945 年9月2日、東京湾の戦艦ミズーリ艦上で日本の降伏文書調印式が行われた際 、ミズーリの甲板は二枚の星条旗で飾られました。一枚は真珠湾攻撃時にホワイ トハウスに飾られていた物、もう一枚は1853年の黒船来航時にマシュー・ペリー の艦隊が掲げていた物であり、90年越しの勝利としてその旗の前で調印式が行われ日本に屈辱を与えました。
On September 2nd 1945, the signing ceremony for the formal "Instrument of Surrender" of Japanese forces was held upon the battleship USS Missouri in Tokyo Bay.
The United States and allied nations displayed 2 Stars and Stripes flags aboard the USS Missouri.
One was the flag hoisted at the White House when the Pearl Harbor was attacked.
The other was what was used by the black ships of Commodore Perry when he arrived to Japan in 1853.
Over the period of about 90 years since Matthew Perry's expedition, the United States finally triumphed against Japan and made Japan yield to them.
The 2 Stars and Stripes flags were historically symbolic for America, but were ironic and humiliating for Japan.
Japan shall not forget they have achieved their current day success "by enduring the unendurable and suffering what is unsufferable (hard to swallow)" during and after the Greater East Asia War.
本日ご紹介の患者さんは「鼻の曲がりが気になる、鼻の穴が上がっており左右差があるのが気になる、左鼻孔縁にホクロがあるのをとりたい」とのことで斜鼻変形治療、 鼻孔縁延長(下降)術、ホクロ取り術をお受けになられました。
ホクロの再発はCO2レーザーで再手術を行いました。 こんどこそは再発なく大丈夫だと思います。
ありがとうございます。 どうか御気を遣わないでください